Arrests made for Marshall Islands Adoptions

Chosen Parents has been informed. over the years, of multiple families adopting babies from women from the Marshall Islands. Primarily , we were contacted by Mennonite families that had either adopted themselves, or who knew someone that had.

Our research showed that these expecting mothers were giving birth in the United States, and that there was at least one attorney that was involved with just these types of adoptions . Some of the stories that we heard were concerning , but adoptions were all handled by attorneys, and so there was no reason for Chosen Parents to think anything illegal was happening . Rumors abounded that the women may have been getting pregnant purposely in order to receive monies for giving their babies up for adoption. The attorneys that were involved, we were told, were located in the states of Arkansas and Arizona . It appeared that somehow, this attorney (s) had a connection to these women.

It was all very confusing , as to where these women were coming from , how they were getting in to the country , and why so many were having babies and giving them up for adoption .

All of that changed today when we saw the folowing article .

Apparently , an attorney that was licensed in Arkansas and Arizona, Paul Peterson , who also happens to be the County Assessor in Maricopa County Az, spoke Marshalese and had set up a whole enterprise wherein he brought these pregnant Marshalese women over during the pregnancy , housed them , and then made a lot of money adopting out their newborns. In an impoverished country , the amount of money that these women received would surely encourage others to do the same in order to support their family , or to even go through it multiple times.

It was alleged that he housed more than 15 pregnant women in a house that he owned in Utah , referred to by some as a “baby mill”. Utah authorities stated that almost 3 million dollars was funneled into his bank account due to this “smuggling” operation. It is a very sad story to have to tell a child as to how they found their forever home.

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