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What Are the Chances that our Adoption will Fail once We are Matched ?

Chosen Parents Adoptions went through the last 600 “matches ” that we have been involved in . ( That is , we referred expecting mothers to attorneys, agencies and facilitators ) . We found that the percentage rate of failed adoptions is 32%- 34% , Meaning that approximately one out of every three of all adoption plans fail at sometime prior to the signing of the consent. We saw no difference in failure rate whether the professional involved was a licensed agency , an attorney or a facilitator, thus we have debunked the myth that agencies have a lower failure rate due to their “extensive ” involvement and oftentimes mandatory counseling. In addition to the 600 that we have first hand knowledge of, we did some research with other professionals and that enforced the 32% -34% overall rate . Our clients are very large national agencies, one or two small agencies agencies, large attorney and small attorney firms. We know those numbers are reason for concern. We did notice that no other adoption service was willing to put these numbers in print , but we believe in transparency . We believe that anyone that is investing emotionally and financially to this degree , should understand the risk involved before moving forward.

These “failures” , or adoption disruptions consist of expecting mothers who had changed their minds within days or weeks of their commitment , those that had changed their minds after months of being matched , and those that had changed their minds after delivery , and even after the family has taken the baby home in some cases. Although the highest placement rate came from women that suffered from substance abuse addictions, we found that in many cases , women with substance abuse issues that could not bring their baby home from the hospital, had allowed the child to go into government foster care with the hopes that they may reunite at a later date rather than allow the family that they had chosen to adopt the baby. Women that have placed children for adoption multiple times changed their minds for a third or fourth adoption plan. In addidtion , we found that women that made an adoption plan early in pregnancy were no more likely to disrupt than those that made a plan late in pregnancy. We realize that some of these women may have never had any intention of placement , but have no way of knowing who they were , so they are lumped in with the ones that may have had every intention of placing .

In closing , there is never any way of knowing which case is going to be successful, and which one will not be. We encourage everyone to be optimistic , but to remember that the maternal instinct is extremely powerful, and not even the expectant mother may know how she is going to feel .

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